“You’re clever, but stupid...”
So many of us, in fact I’d wager most of us carry scars around. Physical and emotional.
This is quite an obvious observation, but I believe still worth exploring. Especially given the scarring of our country, society and the world in the age of Trump and the ongoing trauma of COVID-19, post Trump.
I’d like to share my scars. In hopes the stories which caused them will resonate and connect with others.
I want to tell you about friendship, luck, both the bad and the good and mostly about my friend Harry. When I had the bad luck to be diagnosed with multiple myeloma in February 2016, it turned out that by the time the cancer was detected it had already released enough junk proteins into my system such that I was terribly anemic because my kidneys had started to fail...
Nope. The end.
Okay, seriously… music, like all art is subjective as fuck and I know this is going to get me into all kinds of trouble living as I do in NorCal…
It never ceases to astound me how, no matter the latest horrendous scandal that’s uncovered about Facebook, that most people just don’t seem to care.
“… here it is. Martin Ferrini Design. A much more straight forward brand and as modern a design..”
Just a short-ish post about my favorite three tools of this here intertubes trade and why I love ‘em!
Medical debt is bullshit. I mean, our entire capitalist system is bullshit, including student & tax debt at least for the only people whose lives really can get destroyed by it all which as it turns out is rarely, if ever the wealthy.
I have a friend who once tried to give me quite unsolicited advice about cancer while I was recovering from the bone marrow transplant that saved my life. And it turns out that he just had to let me know that I’d been doing it wrong. Not only that, but so had my doctors and incidentally the entire western medical establishment, because… reasons!
If I have a “trigger” I guess it’s the unexamined assumption, especially when it comes to actual medicine vs the “woo” and even more so because I have personal, successful experiences with the former and much as I do with religion and self help silliness, no tolerance for bullshit that has no basis in evidence and which more often than not involves some kind of deception and grift…
I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in February of 2016. Specifically, IDG Lambda light chain multiple myeloma, a relatively rare form of this blood marrow based family of cancers.