This site was built with Squarespace, my preferred CMS these days.
Specifically, I upgraded to version 7.1 which is now really just one template based upon sections and color themes and which makes it much easier to work with given that all of the markup for built in elements is consistent.
The full screen slideshow on the homepage was achieved with Vegas.js, a high quality, free and well documented slideshow system.
It’s not the hippest anymore, now that there’s React.js, Vue.js, Angular.js, et al, but jQuery is still pretty damn handy and is responsible for some of the other niceties of this site that would be prohibitive (mostly meaning I’d have to really devote time I don’t have to becoming an expert in a system that’s no longer being developed… ummm… nope!) to do with Squarespace’s built in and now deprecated YUI Library.
The Tricksy Scripts
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the invaluable javascript tools created by Michael Mashay at SquareWebsites, Admin tools, Lazy Summaries and Universal Filter, plus the Squarespace Websites Pro Chrome plugin which all make developing in Squarespace both much easier while extending the already powerful platform’s capabilities via it’s JSON API.
The typed text
new TypeIt('#letsBuildSomething', { strings: ["Let's build something beautiful", "Let's build something beautiful together!"], speed: 100, lifeLike: true, breakLines: false, waitUntilVisible: true, afterComplete: function (instance) { let element = instance.$e; //-- Hide the cursor by setting opacity to zero. var cursor = element.querySelector('.ti-cursor'); cursor.style.animation = "none"; cursor.style.opacity = "0"; } }).go();
Scroll to top floating button
Add the markup to a code block in the footer and style it:
<a href="#" id="scroll" style="display: inline;"><span></span></a>
// Scroll to top floating button
if ($(this).scrollTop() > 100) {
} else {
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 600);
return false;
Why Squarespace?
It’s Simple
In my experience from decades in this industry, I’ve found Squarespace to offer some of the best bang for the buck in terms of all it can do vs other CMS systems, but mostly it’s that it happens to be so well designed that overall, it is a joy for clients to use.
Also, it doesn’t hurt that it happens to be robust, easy to develop on and fully managed, so other than your own javascript, there’s nothing to install, no security stuff to worry about, or plugins which can access the logic/scripting of the system and potentially wreak havoc (I’m lookin’ at you Word Press!) via PHP for crying’ out loud!
Based upon JSON template, the API is pretty straightforward and in developer mode, it’s easy to get at the raw html and Squarespace/JSON template code to do whatever you want. You can even develop locally using Node.js.
Then there’s blogging, e-commerce and SEO tools built in and the Layout Engine, and now the Fluid Engine which is the secret sauce to its power and ease of use.
At ScienceSites we’ve used it quite effectively for 99% of our clients.
So, for my money it’s one of the best options out there to make beautiful, functional websites relatively quickly and with minimal pain for developers. Plus, as I said the system is easy to use for non-developers.
Y’know, like 90% of the world and probably most of your clients!
And no, they don’t pay me to tout its benefits.
I wish!